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allen bradley distributorss need to have the following qualifications for importing:

allen bradley distributorss must meet certain qualifications in order to be approved for importing. These qualifications include:

1. A valid business license: Distributors must have a valid business license in order to be approved for importing Allen Bradley products. This license must be issued by the local government and must be up to date.

2. Financial stability: Distributors must demonstrate financial stability in order to be approved for importing Allen Bradley products. This includes having a good credit rating, a positive cash flow, and a history of successful business operations.

3. Technical expertise: Distributors must have a team of experienced technicians who are knowledgeable about Allen Bradley products. This team should be able to provide technical support and troubleshooting services to customers.

4. Quality assurance: Distributors must have a quality assurance system in place to ensure that all Allen Bradley products are of the highest quality. This includes testing and inspecting all products before they are shipped to customers.

5. Customer service: Distributors must have a customer service team that is knowledgeable about Allen Bradley products and can provide timely and accurate responses to customer inquiries.

6. Compliance with regulations: Distributors must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in order to be approved for importing Allen Bradley products. This includes following all safety and environmental regulations.

7. Insurance: Distributors must have adequate insurance coverage in order to be approved for importing Allen Bradley products. This includes liability insurance, product liability insurance, and property damage insurance.

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